Hawaiʻi Historic Places

On Lā Hoʻihoʻi Ea, July 31, 2020, The Hawai’i Historic Places Review Board voted to add Pu’uokapolei to the Hawai’i Register as a traditional cultural property (TCP). They also recommended Pu‘uokapolei to the National Register of Historic Places.

Nohopapa submitted the nomination form on behalf of Ulu A‘e Learning Center.

View the archeological study:

Lā Mālama

The Ulu A‘e Learning Center through the Adopt A Park program with the City and County of Honolulu stewards the site of Puʻuokapolei. Lā Mālama, a day of caring is held at the pu‘u several times throughout the year. Volunteers clear out debris, remove graffiti, water plants, seed new plants and maintain the garden at the hula mound. Click on the button below to see a list of upcoming stewardship days.

Throughout the past fifteen plus years, the puʻu has been laden with challenges of homelessness, drug activity, escalating vandalism, litter and poor water irrigation. Through our consistent stewardship efforts, these challenges are addressed.

Lauhala Prep Workshops

Papa Kuʻi ʻAi & Pōhaku Loan Program

Our papa kuʻi ʻai and pōhaku are available on loan to families in our programs. Complete the form

The Noʻeau Learning Box

The Noʻeau Learning Box Delivery program was launched in mid-March in response to COVID and to address the needs of our families who are sheltering in place. Boxes are filled with educational handcrafted Hawaiian games and activities and then loaned to families. These boxes are now available to teachers and community organizations.


Every year on Ke Ala Polohiwa A Kane (Summer Solstice), the sun will set directly into Pu‘u Palailai. From Pu‘uokapolei the direct descent of the sun into


The Nene‘e program is designed for keiki ages 5 – 14 and held during the DOE intersession breaks. Participants explore their community through daily site visits and by engaging in mo‘olelo (stories), hana no‘eau (native Hawaiian skills and practices) and kuleana (stewardship). Daily lessons emphasize establishing life long habits that support our planet like using refillable water bottles, eliminating single use plastics and removing invasives from our natural environments.


The Kapu‘uola Hula Festival celebrates Hawaiian storytelling through hula and new mele (compositions) at Pu‘uokapolei. The festival features performances by several hālau hula (hula schools) and live Hawaiian music entertainment.

Hana Hei

Hana hei (Hawaiian string figures) is a form of Hawaiian storytelling and mnemonic device. Keiki learn hei in each of Ulu A‘e’s programs. Hana hei engages the young minds of our keiki in a way that encourages the use of our native language and the practice of a traditional conginitive form of memorization.

Your donation will help to grow rooted and engaged children
and families in our communities.